Injury Treatment and Rehabilitation
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Sports - Deep Tissue Massage


Everyone can benefit from a sports massage, not just athletes.  This type of massage can be used to assist with injuries and pains from all aspects of daily life. This form of therapy is geared towards athletes of every kind from competitive professionals to weekend joggers.




Techniques such as trigger point therapy or active release are applied focusing on areas of the body that are overused and stressed from repetitive movements. 


Sports massage can be used as means to enhance pre-event preparation and reduce recovery time for maximum performance.



Some of the many benefits of sports massage include, fatigue reduction, injury prevention, increased flexibility, improved endurance. It prepares your body and mind for optimal performance. 


Upper and lower limb assessment

  • A consultation will include a full assessment to plan for personalised treatment.




A thorough examination of the affected area will be performed including muscle tests for strength and flexibility, ligament tests, range of motion, postural checks and functional movements.


The purpose of the assessments is to help reveal the underlying reason as to why you are suffering from pain or dysfunction. 



By gaining an understanding of the cause of the problem, I can design a treatment plan to specifically target the injury site and improve your daily well-being.

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Targeted exercises are used to effectively treat pain and return the individual to their normal function.




In conjunction with a course of treatment, a specific program including strengthening, flexibility exercises, coordination of balance and joint positioning exercises will be implemented and progressed to ensure the injury site returns to its best functional state. 


Rehabilitation can treat a range of conditions including acute and chronic musculoskeletal injuries, sprains, ligament repairs, tendonitis, shoulder dislocations etc. 



The benefits of rehabilitation are to ensure the individual returns to the activities they love as quickly and safely as possible.


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Strength and Conditioning

This focuses on the entire development of an individual and what is needed to improve their physical performance. 



This is done through the use of specific exercise prescriptions addressing the particular needs of the sport and individual weaknesses in the athletes.  


There are many ways a programme can add to the rehabilitation; speed, agility, flexibility and strength. 



The benefits of following a strength and conditioning programme is that it can  increase the athlete’s tolerance to training and decrease the chance of injury. 


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Kinesio Tape

Kinesio taping method is a rehabilitative technique to facilitate the body’s natural healing process. 



The tape alleviates discomfort and microscopically lifts the skin allowing for decrease in inflammation, reducing pressure while enabling a more effective flow of blood. 


The benefits of the tape are that it provides support and stability to muscles and joints without restricting the body’s range of movement. K-tape can be applied in multiple ways with tension on the tape having the ability to relax or stimulate a muscle.  



Kinesio tape can be used in conjunction with other treatment modalities and is effective during the rehabilitative and chronic phases of an injury as well as being used as a preventative measure.



Joint Mobilisations

These are forms of manual therapy techniques that focus on attaining a normal range of pain-free joint motion.



Joints need to move freely in all directions that they are designed to. If joints become locked or restricted in a particular direction, the individual may experience pain and/or stiffness. 


Various joint mobilisations can be performed in a gentle manner depending on the stiffness or pain associated with moving the joint.



The benefits of mobilisation techniques are that they will easily and quickly help regain improved joint range and pain-free movement. 

